-The Association and the “Demonstration Project Promotion Team Osaka” Support its Implementation –
The Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition (hereinafter referred to “the Association”) and the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (hereinafter referred to as “the OCCI”) have selected Takenaka Corporation to conduct a demonstration experiment on urban waterfront innovation using the Umidoko Robot*, an urban automated boat, in an effort to build momentum for Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan (hereinafter referred to as “the Expo”) and to create innovation for future society. Its demonstration will be carried out on Wednesday, December 7 and 8, 2022, following the experiment conducted in December 2021.
The “Demonstration Project Promotion Team Osaka” (hereinafter referred to as “Team Osaka”), consisting of the Association, the Osaka Prefecture, the City of Osaka, and the OCCI, has provided support for the implementation of the project.
*A boat of 3-meter square floor moves automatically on the surface of the sea, canals, rivers, lakes, and ponds, and reach and leave the shore automatically.
〇 In this second demonstration experiment, a less weight version of “Umidoko Robot” than the previous one (of December 2021) will be floated on the east outer moat* of the Osaka Castle Park, and the two “Umidoko Robots” used as a shop and customer’s seat will simultaneously conduct an automatic navigation experiment to verify “group management of multiple robots” and “wireless power feeding during at the shore.
*As a result of discussions and coordination, the experiment will be conducted in Osaka Castle Park.
〇 The “Umidoko Robot” has been developed as a joint project by the Umidoko Robot Consortium, a group headed by Takenaka Corporation and consisting of eight companies and organizations including Shimizu Laboratory in the Faculty of Marine Technology of the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, IHI Corporation, Homura Heavy Industries Corporation; Mizube Soken; Shinkiba Umidoko Project; Water-Smart-Resilience Research Organization; and Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Co.,Ltd.
〇 This demonstration experiment was one of the nine proposals selected from among 39 proposals submitted to the Association and the OCCI from January 18 to February 19, 2021, for a demonstration experiment on Yumeshima, the Expo site. Team Osaka has been supporting these projects in the area of discussions/ coordination of the contents and the site of the experiments.
Date: From Wednesday, December 7 to Thursday, December 8, 2022
Place: East Outer Moat, the Osaka Castle Park
Implementation Body: Takenaka Corporation
●Regarding the demonstration experiment:
Department of industry, Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry
●Regarding the Expo:
Public Relations Department, Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition
e-mail: media@expo2025.or.jp