What's New

2023.04.13 The “TEAM EXPO 2025″ Programme official website is now available in English.

From now, we begin accepting entries in English for the “TEAM EXPO 2025” Programme/Co-Creation Challenges and Co-Creation Partners. We are looking forward to your participation in the “TEAM EXPO 2025” Programme.

The “TEAM EXPO 2025” Programme is an initiative that aims to realize the theme of Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan, “Designing Future Society for our lives,” and to contribute to the achievements of the SDGs by encouraging diverse participants to take the initiatives in working together to create the ideal future society they wish to see.

Number of entries registered on the “TEAM EXPO 2025″ Programme (As of the end of March)
“TEAM EXPO 2025″ program/Co-Creation Challenges: 1,037
“TEAM EXPO 2025″ program/Co-Creation Partners: 298

Among the Co-Creation Challenges, which are initiatives entered in the “TEAM EXPO 2025” Programme, those that are practical, renewable in various areas of the world, and particularly outstanding for future use, will be publicly solicited as Best Practice, and those selected through the selection process will be displayed and deployed in the Best Practice Area in the Expo site.

● The “TEAM EXPO 2025″ Programme English official website
・Launch date and time: Thursday, April 13, 2023, 14:00
・URL: https://team-en.expo2025.or.jp
*Explanatory materials attached here


EXPO Co-Creation Office(Within the Association for the 2025 World Exposition)
  e-mail: te2025-info-en@expo2025.or.jp