Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan
About the Sponsors of the Thematic Projects
“Signature Pavilions”
The Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”) is pleased to announce new corporate sponsors of the thematic projects, which are the core projects of Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan (hereinafter referred to as ”the Expo“). With the endorsement of a wide range of companies from various industries, the number of sponsors for the thematic projects “Signature Pavilions” has reached 64.
With about one year to go until the opening of the Expo, the construction of each of the Signature Pavilions on the Yumeshima site is well underway, and preparations for the contents of the exhibition are also making progress. The Association is continuously accepting applications for sponsorship in the run-up to the opening of the Expo, and is currently in discussions with many more companies for contracts.
・Duskin Co., Ltd. (Osaka)
・JEOL Ltd. (Tokyo)
・Nakanishi Metal Works Co., Ltd. (Osaka)
・The Six Ancient Kilns Japan Heritage Utilization Council (Okayama)
・Tsukamoto Gakuin Institute (Osaka)
※Only the companies and organizations that have agreed to disclose their sponsorship are announced. As for sponsors whose permission for disclosure has not yet been confirmed, they will be announced once available.
■Number of sponsors of thematic projects (as of March 28, 2024): 64 in total
※The total number of sponsors includes companies and organizations that have not yet been announced as sponsors.
■Lists of sponsors of the thematic projects “Signature Pavilions”
(As of March 28, 2024)
●New Sponsors
Global Communication Department, Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition
Email: globalpr@expo2025.or.jp