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2024.06.03 Thank you for the interest in the Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan Construction Tour

The Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition expresses its gratitude for the large number of applications we have received for the “Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan Construction Tour,” for which reservations started at 10:00 on Saturday, 1 June.

We would like to inform you that the following plans have sold out.
・Individual plan: Sunday, 30 June (3 tours. Total of 75 visitors to be accepted.)
・Group plan: June to October (18 tours. Total of 450 visitors to be accepted.)

Applications for the individual plan tours on Sunday 28 July and Sunday 4 August will open at 10:00 Monday, 1 July.
For information on future tours (individual plans) and availability in case of cancellation, please check Nippon Travel Agency’s exclusive reservation website. (https://va.apollon.nta.co.jp/expo2025tour/).

                                  Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition