Press Release

2024.06.19 Towards a Fully Cashless Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan: Cooperation and Promotion Agreement Concluded with Payments Japan Association

– Nationwide promotion of the Expo’s fully cashless system and cashless education –

The Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”) and the Payments Japan Association (Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative: UNOURA Hiroo) have signed a cooperation agreement with the aim of cooperating in activities to raise awareness of cashless payments, building momentum, holding events, promoting cashless education, and other related activities to realise a fully cashless Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan (hereinafter referred to as “the Expo”).

▽ Title of the agreement
 Cooperation Agreement between the Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition and the Payments Japan Association.

▽ Date of conclusion
 19 June, 2024

▽ Main contents of the cooperation
 The Association and the Payments Japan Association will coordinate and cooperate in the following activities.
 (1) Implementation of projects related to building momentum for the Expo and publicising the fully cashless operation at the venue and activities.
 (2) Information dissemination, awareness raising and momentum building regarding the Expo and fully cashless operations through active participation of corporations, organisations and municipalities that are members of the Payments Japan Association in collaboration with the EXPO 2025 Digital Wallet service.
 (3) Providing information about the Expo to students and promoting cashless education.
 (4) Other matters deemed acceptable by both parties in terms of cashless publicity, etc.

▽ Details of Collaboration
 Efforts will be made to promote cashless awareness nationwide and develop momentum for the Expo through posters promoting fully cashless payments at the Expo site, and promoting the spread of cashless education in cooperation with partner companies.
 (1) Publishing and publicising of the cashless poster design
  The Association will produce a cashless poster design to publicise the fully cashless operation of the Expo site, and in collaboration with the Payments Japan Association, will display and publicise it at relevant facilities and events across the country.

 (2) Promotion of cashless education
  In collaboration with the “Cashless School Festival” run by KDDI Corporation au Pay and “Financial and Economic Education” run by SMBC Group, an educational programme will be held for high school students and others, combining an overview of the Expo with an introduction to the full cashless operation of the Expo venue. Participants will receive a certificate of attendance through the EXPO 2025 Digital Wallet business collaboration service.

▽ About Payment Japan Association
The Payments Japan Association is a general incorporated association established in 2018 in response to the Cabinet Secretariat’s Future Investment Strategy and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s “Cashless Vision”. It aims to develop mutual cooperation with related organisations and relevant ministries and agencies at home and abroad, and through various cashless-related activities, develop initiatives aimed at realising a cashless society in Japan as soon as possible.

▽ Fully Cashless Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan
In order to accelerate Japan’s cashless promotion, only cashless payments will be accepted at the venue for shopping and restaurants. Cash will not be accepted. The venue will offer a wide variety of payment methods (credit cards, e-money, and code payment) from a large number of brands. This will simplify payments, shorten checkout times, help prevent the spread of disease through contactless payments, and strengthen security measures by removing cash from shops.
For those who do not have a payment method other than cash, the sale of prepaid cards will be considered.

▽ The Future of EXPO2025 Digital Wallet
The EXPO2025 Digital Wallet Service is an app service designed to promote understanding of the cashless promotion at the Expo, to generate excitement before the Expo, and to help people understand the Expo’s themes of ‘digital’ and ‘action for the future’ and participate in the Expo.
In collaboration with the pavilions and partner companies supporting the Expo even before the event, a business collaboration service to connect users with the Expo was launched in November 2023, with a version upgrade planned for July 2024. MYAKU-PE! (electronic money), MYAKU-PO! (points), MYAKU-N! (Expo 2025 Digital Wallet NFTs) and other new financial linkage services will be launched. In addition, a new “MYAKU-MYAKU Rewards Programme” will also be launched, which offers rewards based on the use of digital wallets such as MYAKU-PE! and MYAKU-PO!.

(For reference)
The following websites have been launched to provide information on how to use the EXPO 2025 digital wallet.

▽ App Download Link
 <App Store URL>
 <Google Play URL>

▽ Introduction of Business Collaboration Services

▽ Introduction of Financial Collaboration Services: (1) MYAKU-PE! (electronic payments), (2) MYAKU-PO! (points), (3) MYAKU-N! (Unique EXPO2025 Digital Wallet NFTs)

Global Communication Department, Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition