Press Release

2024.09.06 “TEAM EXPO 2025” Programme Co-Creation Challenge Reaches 2,000 Total Registrations

In preparation for Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan (hereinafter referred to as “the Expo”), the Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”) launched the “TEAM EXPO 2025” programme in October 2020. “TEAM EXPO 2025” is an initiative aimed at creating an ideal future society with a diverse range of participants taking the lead. The purpose of this programme is the realisation of the theme of the Expo, “Designing Future Society for Our Lives” and the contribution to the achievement of the SDGs. The activities undertaken by a diverse range of people towards 2025 and the future society beyond are called ‘Co-Creation Challenges’ and are registered and made public on the official “TEAM EXPO 2025” programme website, which also creates opportunities for Co-Creation Challenge participants to meet each other and make new co-creation opportunities.
The Association is pleased to announce that the total number of registered Co-Creation Challenges has exceeded 2,000, reaching 2,044 as of August 2024.
The Association will continue to recruit participants for the “TEAM EXPO 2025” programme and promote co-creation through exchange meetings with participants to further enhance the programme’s activities in the run-up to the Expo.

▽ About Co-creation Challenges
■ Number of challenges registered to date (*Number of registrations in each fiscal year)
The number of registrations for challenges is increasing year by year.
 FY2020 (October 2020 to March 2021): 104
 FY2021 (April 2021 to March 2022): 356
 FY2022 (April 2022 to March 2023): 577
 FY2023 (April 2023 to March 2024): 656
 FY2024 (April to August 2024): 351
 (Total number of registrations: 2,044)

■ Main participating entities
‘Other legal entities,’ such as executive committees, were the most numerous at around 1,100, followed by ‘grassroots bodies and others’, ‘local authorities’ and ‘educational and research institutions.’

■ Main areas of activity *Multiple registrations.
The Kansai region has the highest number of registrations at around 1,500, followed by the Kanto region and the Chubu region.

■ Examples of co-creation challenges (August 2024)
In August, a diverse range of initiatives were registered under themes such as disaster prevention, environment, tourism, and manufacturing. Activity areas included nine in the Kansai region, eight in the Shikoku region, and seven in multiple regions.

■ Details of each registration:
Please visit the official TEAM EXPO 2025 programme website for details: (

Global Communication Department, Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition