The Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”), and the Consortium of Universities in Osaka (Kita-ward, Osaka City, Representative: Chairperson TATSUMISAGO Masahiro) (hereinafter referred to as “the Consortium”), a non-profit organization, have concluded a cooperation promotion agreement with the aim of making Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan (hereinafter referred to as “the Expo) a success.
Based on the agreement, the Association and the Consortium will work together to raise awareness and build momentum among universities and students, promote mutual cooperation to promote active participation in Expo-related projects, and improve the quality of research and education at universities and students by taking advantage of the Expo.
With the Meeting of Presidents of Universities in Osaka Prefecture being its predecessor, which was originally established with 31 universities in 1999, the Consortium of Universities in Osaka consists of universities and other institutions in Osaka Prefecture and has been a non-profit organization since August 2007. Now the Consortium’s 40 member universities are engaged in various activities.
The purpose of the Consortium is to deepen cooperation among universities in and around Osaka Prefecture. In addition, its purpose is also to contribute to local communities, industry, and local governments; to strengthen mutual partnerships, and to promote international exchange, all by cooperating with local communities. In order to achieve these goals, the Consortium promotes activities such as high school-university cooperation, inter-university cooperation, career support, international exchange, regional cooperation, and training.
Public Relations Department, Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition