The European Union Pavilion
Nurturing Tomorrow

The European Union Pavilion

Nurturing Tomorrow

Relations between the European Union (EU) and Japan date back to 1959. Since then, in line with the Expo’s theme, ‘Designing Future Society for Our Lives’, the EU has worked in close collaboration with Japan to promote peace and democracy, champion human rights and fair trade and, more recently, tackle climate change and complete the digital transformation.

Inspired by the three guiding values of the New European Bauhaus (sustainability, aesthetics and inclusion), the EU Pavilion is designed to be both a platform to showcase the ways in which the EU is helping make the world a more sustainable, connected, inclusive and secure place for present generations and posterity alike, as well as a forum for intercultural dialogue and exchange. Through immersive installations, activities, and talks featuring high-profile speakers, visitors to the EU Pavilion will learn about various EU policies and programmes, its joint efforts with Japan and the significant political, cultural, and socioeconomic ties shared between these key allies in ‘nurturing tomorrow’.