Press Release

2022.07.19 Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan, Countdown Boards in 47 prefectures Set Up until the Expo – The countdown to the opening has started all over Japan –

The Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition, with the cooperation of the National Governor’s Association, will set up a countdown board which is set until April 13, 2025, the opening of Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan, in 47 prefectures nationwide, the National Governors’ Association, the Cabinet Secretariat, and more.
This initiative is meant to foster the momentum of the Expo throughout Japan, taking advantage of the opportunity brought by the approximately 1000 days remaining until the opening of the Expo. One countdown board will be installed in each prefecture and various offices.
The Association would like to make people all over the country feel closer to the opening of the Expo every day, and to increase their interest in and awareness of the Expo in various areas of Japan.

Overview of countdown board

  1. Design
    With the official character of Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan included, the design is created by utilizing the design system “EXPO 2025 Design System” that was formulated to promote the branding of the Expo. In addition to counting down the number of days until the opening of the Expo, the Association aims to establish and improve the brand image of the Expo.
  2. Installation location
    The countdown boards will be installed in each prefecture office building and other offices.
     3. Specification
    Electronic paper panel
    (Width 644 mm x Height 891 mm x Thickness 36 mm, Weight approx. 4 kg)

※This initiative will be implemented with public relations and promotion sponsorships from HOUSECOM CORPORATION and HOPE HOUSE SYSTEM Co., Ltd.


Public Relations Department, Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition