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2024.11.29 Official Website of “Future City” Pavilion, in collaboration with 12 sponsors Launched
Exterior of the Future City pavilion

The Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition is pleased to announce the launch of the official website for the Future Life Expo’s “Future City” pavilion.
“Future City” is a large-scale pavilion where visitors can experience the future Society 5.0*1, with the theme “To the City of Happiness”.

The official website will offer the latest information on the attractions and behind the scenes of the pavilion preparations, so please take a look!

▽ Official Website:

*1 Japan’s national strategy, “Society 5.0”, is a human oriented society that achieves both economic development and the resolution of social issues through a system that integrates both the cyberspace and physical space. It refers to a new society that follows on from the hunter-gatherer, agricultural, industrial, and information societies. Through technologies such as the IoT (Internet of Things), AI (artificial intelligence), robotics, big data, and biotechnology, this society is one where various global challenges are addressed, and where the SDGs are successfully achieved.