Ever since the holding of the Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan was determined, Nambara has been looking for an o...
“SHELLMET,” made from scallop shells that have nowhere to go, will be adopted as one of the official anti-disa...
Tajima, Asakawa and others went to companies in Nagoya City where the technology is being developed and resear...
There is a company that connects two major social issues, i.e., promotion of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goa...
“We want to take on the challenge of creating something that only a retailer native to Osaka can do.” H2O RETA...
In parallel with preparations for GREEN AGE, there is a challenge employees themselves took on. The outcome is...
The first model that came to mind was a household dishwasher with a bottle holder. However, it took about an h...
Zojirushi Corporation’s vision of its future for the next 100 years is “From creating products to creating lif...
In order to have visitors understand the importance of waste separation, she decided to install a collection b...
The articles on this page were created with the assistance of KEIRIN.